Biodynamic Craniosacral is an approach that uses gentle hands-on contact, in which the practitioner connects directly with the tissues, organs, craniosacral fluid, & nervous system to bring about a therapeutic response.
With highly skilled sensitivity, practitioners make direct contact with what is hindering the natural flow and functions of the body, and gently guides the client back to their natural state of health and wholeness.
Let the Power that created the body, heal the body.
Parasympathetic + Sympathetic
Nervous system recalibration occurs as the parasympathetic and sympathetic systems find balance. When guided into a parasympathetic state, the body can heal and restore itself naturally. Reorganization to healthy alignment occurs in the brain, as well as the body's tissues, fluid matrix, and its energetic and emotional layers. The body will release physical/emotional toxins and stress hormones. As this state deepens, the craniosacral system becomes available to the effects of the healthy motion of Primary Respiration.
Primary Respiration
Accessing Primary Respiration creates whole body recalibration and readjustments, which break up patterns of fixation. This effect ripples throughout the entire nervous system, affecting the whole body on a deep cellular level.
Primary Respiration is a guiding principle; it is the inherent intelligence within. It expresses itself through all of the body, and the whole of nature. It might be said that this intrinsic motion is a fundamental expression of life itself. The Life Force that is informing every impulse, that breathes all of nature, that sustains life.
Your Journey Through the Sessions
Sessions may begin with a guided meditation and take place fully clothed on a warm massage table. Gentle craniosacral holds and contacts are made as the practitioner allows Primary Respiration to guide the flow of the session.
During the session, you may encounter memories, emotions, energetic releases, and physical sensation. Visions and insights are common. Whatever arises, understand that these are the exact aspects of yourself that consciousness has chosen to bring to your awareness. Your ability to be present with these aspects allows for spontaneous healing to occur.
The body unwinds in layers and builds resiliency over time. Consistency over a period of months allows the nervous system to remain calibrated in a state of ease and balance, promoting health and vitality across all systems. Please contact Holly for an initial assessment of your specific needs.
New Clients
Schedule your free 15-minute consultation with Holly today
“Holly’s session was one of the more effective, powerful, healing sessions I’ve experienced. I’m feeling more open hearted, playful, and connected with myself and others. I’ve struggled my whole life with connection. This work has shifted so much for me!”
Death is a powerful transmutative process of Spirit & Body. Holly provides a Holistic Hospice approach to navigating End-of-Life. She offers interactive community workshops teaching Energy Medicine & Somatic Practices to explore Death & Dying. She also provides clinical education on the natural process of death, logistical guidance on how to be prepared, and teaches caregivers & loved ones how to best support the dying.

Please contact Holly if you are interested in attending or hosting future End-of-Life or Death Doula trainings. More to be announced soon!
Holding Sacred Space for End-of-Life Transitions
October 21st, 2023, 10am-1pm @ The Academy of Intuition Medicine in Sausalito, CA
End of Life
& Energy Medicine Workshop
November 5th, 2021 7-9pm @ The Academy of Intuition Medicine in Sausalito, CA
Workshop recording can be purchased here:
End of Life
& Energy Medicine Workshop
February 2020 at The Academy of Intuition Medicine in Sausalito, CA
The Final Passage:
A workshop on Death and Dying
May 2019 at The Collective in Sebastopol, CA
End of Life:
A Guided Exploration Workshop
December 2019 at O'Hanlon Center for the Arts in Mill Valley, CA
End of Life
& Energy Medicine Workshop
November 2018 at The Academy of Intuition Medicine in Sausalito, CA